Tag Archives: Free Trade Associations


“The UK is still the sixth biggest economy in the world, larger than Russia or India.” Roger Bootle, Managing Director,Capital Economics

So, the political class and mainstream media started by ignoring public opinion as reflected in UKIP’s stance on Europe. When that didn’t work and safe constituency voters started jumping ship, the next step was to adopt the never-fail ridicule and smear tactic. And still UKIP is gaining support.

Why? Because the escalating power grab by Brussels is unacceptable to the British people. The Europe Britain joined was a free trade association made up of nations with similar income per capita – the electorate was never asked to agree to becoming part of the United States of Europe incorporating a growing number of low income countries and a bloated expensive administration. It costs Britain billions to be a member of this disparate Eurozone driven club which increasingly controls our lives.

Why not just trade with it like the rest of the world does? A landslide victory for UKIP in the European Parliament elections would give traction to the prospect of an orderly and planned exit from the European Union. Britain as an unencumbered global free trade country would be able to accelerate growth in GDP and despite illogical scaremongering to the contrary, would be in a position  to increase employment significantly – definitely a vote winner.